should one read Bhagwat Gita?
we talk about Sanatan Dharm, one thing which pops into every Hindu person’s
mind is ‘Bhagwat Gita’. Everybody respects it. Everybody talks very highly
about it. You can even see numerous quotes on the internet supposedly taken
from Bhagwat Gita. Overall, most Hindus have something to say about the
greatness of this scripture.
have all those people read Gita? Even better question, do they truly
understand, learn and implement all the valuable things they learned from this
holy book?
person who reads Bhagwat Gita would learn to see and judge himself from an
unbiased perspective.
teaches us the ultimate reality of our existence. It is a lens through which we
see indestructible in destructible beings.
Gita is the song of god. Learnings from Bhagwat Gita apply to people with all
types of temperaments and dispositions. It is one book that is not bound by
time. It would still be as relevant and applicable after eons as it is now.
This is the beauty of truth. It never changes, no matter the amount of time
that has passed.
should read the Gita at least once. Especially students. One thing which is
crucial for every learner is an unbiased perspective of the world, as nothing
clouds our judgment more than our ego.
are some valuable lessons you can learn from Bhagwat Gita.
one's nature
teachings of the Bhagwat Gita help students to comprehend their nature and
their surroundings without involving their ego. It teaches them the true
meaning of being a student.
control over the mind
Gita, lord Krishna says that the mind is very difficult to restrain. But by
practice and detachment, it can be controlled. This is very true, as so many
things are difficult to achieve in the world, and yet sheer willpower and many
times essential needs drive us to accomplish our goal against all odds. For
example, A hunter knows that a lion lives in the forest too, and is
dangerous. Yet, they have never found those dangers as sufficient reasons for
remaining at the edge of the woodland. Similarly, a person should strive to
achieve control over his mind no matter how many times he fails.
makes one’s perception distorted
is one of the biggest flaws of human beings, It makes a person lose his sense
of right and wrong. He couldn’t distinguish between what is true and what is
just a figment of his insecurity-driven imagination. No one gets affected by
rage more than the person who is experiencing it, Nothing is more detrimental
than actions fueled by fury and words spoken in the heat of the movement.
not run away from your responsibilities
life is never devoid of responsibility. In a way, responsibilities expose us to
new situations which help us learn different lessons eventually leading us
toward enlightenment. A person who is a householder and yet practices
spirituality alongside is a greater yogi than a recluse who has discarded his
family or social responsibilities aside to pursue god.
true meaning of an enlightened being
lord, Krishna tells us that merely abandoning bodily activities and giving up
on sacrificial fire does not make a person Yogi but doing rightful deeds
without worrying about the consequences does.
not plague your mind with doubts
action should be done with a clear conscience. Your thoughts and actions should
not be muddled with doubt and uncertainty. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna
says, 'When doubt enters into the heart of an individual, he is totally lost,
and he becomes desolated’.
the righteous deed makes a person have faith in his or her decision and
eliminates all vagueness.
will never end they can only be controlled
the circumstances in human life eventually lead to one realization - human
desires have no end. The more we get, the more we strive for. Having Desires is
inevitable and natural, the goal is to have control over them rather than being
in control of the desires. The whole point of human life is to get over this
obstacle and understand the truth. An ordinary person becomes an enlightened
one when he desires nothing but oneness with god.
mind shapes your reality
beggar can rise above with his willpower and determination to succeed.
Similarly, weakness, insecurity, greed, or jealousy can lead a king to his
demise Because each person is his own friend or enemy.
Conclusion:- Spirituality is an essential part of life, it is a fuel for
the soul. Only feeding one's body will lead to healthy life in this lifetime
but form nourishing our soul and striving to reach our higher self, we will
eventually reach oneness with god.
at Little Scholars School urge all the students and their parents to read this pious
and sublime holy book and lead their lives according to its ingenious