• Procure prospectus/admission form from the school office on any working day between 9:30 am and 1:00 pm OR Use the Online Admission form available on our official website.
  • Submit the dully filled form at the school office OR on the online admission link and obtain/generate receipt.
  • For classes Nursery – IX, birth certificate, school’s report card and TC are mandatory.
  • Date and time of Subjective Aptitude Assessment(SAA) shall be intimated either telephonically or at the registered email of the candidate.
  • No SAA for classes Pre Nursery, Nursery, KG and I.
  • Admission to classes 10 and 12 are given only in transfer cases with TC from previous school as well as all dues clearance slip from the concerned authority.
  • For new admission except class Nursery admission is on the basis of admission test in the Maths, English, Hindi & Science.
  • For old student, minimum of 33% marks in grand total (excluding practical marks), which include half yearly, UTs/PTs and Annual Exams are mandatory for admission.