Principles & Policies
Behaviour/code of conduct

Students must be punctual and regular to school. Leave of absence must be applied for. No student shall leave the School premises during the School hours without prior permission of the Principal.

Honesty, cleanliness of dress and loyalty to School are demanded and expected to each student. A student should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The School uniform is to be worn on all days. Immorality, insubordination, ragging of any kind, contempt of authority or wilful damage to property will be a sufficient reason for immediate expulsion of the student and are responsible for all School property.

Money should not be lent or borrowed by the student and articles should not be exchanged between the students. Students are not allowed to wear jewellery or bring valuables to school. Students are admitted in the School at their own risk. The School will not be responsible for any injury or loss of books, stationery or any other article. They are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school. No reading materials (other than prescribed text books) should be brought to School without permission.

The School reserves the right to advise the parents to withdraw their child if his/her progress in studies is unsatisfactory or his/her attendance is irregular or his/her conduct is harmful to other students.


Students must maintain absolute silence in the library. Students are expected to handle the library books with care. Books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid by the borrower. For the loss of a book, the market price will be charged. Text books, magazines and reference books will not be issued

Transport Rules

The school bus service is available for all students on specific routes. Bus drivers are authorized to stop the bus only at designated stops. Routes and stops are approved by the school and parents must survey the route prior to selecting a bus stop. The list of stops is made keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and no diversion/extension will be entertained on existing routes.

Bus fees will be paid by parents as per fee rules. At the end of the Academic Session, i.e. by 31st March, parents must apply in writing for withdraw from bus if required, failing which bus fee will be charged from April, as per approved rates.

Students are expected to behave in a courteous manner in the bus and should not throw trash/food inside or outside the bus. In case of any emergency, parents must contact the School office, which will take the necessary action in contacting the person in charge of a particular bus.

School Uniform

House System

The students of classes II to XII are members of houses allotted to them. The house system plays an important role in promoting the cultural and co-curricular activities of the school. The houses conduct functions to celebrate important days and events. Inter-House competitions are periodically conducted to motivate students to take part in debates, declamations and other activities. Besides this, the students play inter-house matches in team games- Cricket, Basketball, football volleyball, athletics etc.

House Tally (2022-23)
House Tally (2019-20)
House Tally (2017-18)

Withdrawal from School

Any parent withdrawing his/her child for whatever reason must serve one month’s notice, failing which the child’s security money will be adjusted against fees for the period of non-attendance till issue of T.C. Withdrawal of any student is possible only after the concerned parents/guardian officially fills and submits a withdrawal from available in the school office. NOC from concerned departments must be obtained by the student which is to be countered signed by PRINCIPAL.

Any child whose attendance falls below 75% till December, for classes IX – XII will not be allowed to appear for the final examinations in accordance with the CBSE rules. Any child short of this attendance will require special permission from the CBSE which will have to be obtained by the parents.


The School is in the process of implementing the New Education Policy (NEP – 2020) in a phased manner. The ‘10 + 2’ structure will be replaced with the ‘5+3+3+4’ model.

Primary Foundation

Comprising of 5 years, Pre-nursery to II, the Foundation Level delivers a holistic, fun filled, stress-free, uniform, child centred, learning where the student would have the freedom and choice to learn according to their intelligences, aptitude, talent and interest. Learning would include activity and discovery based learning while, with the challenges of the 21st century where expression of ideas takes centre stage, communication skills, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and character building will be given equal importance. Reading and writing is integrated with indoor and outdoor games, sketching, colouring, singing and dancing making learning fun, pleasurable and a collaborative experience.


Junior Preparatory

Comprising of 3 years, classes VI to VIII, the Preparatory level focuses reducing the burden of curriculum and increase the scope and depth of learning. Activity and discovery based learning shall continue to be the prime focus while communication skills, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and character building will be given equal importance The focus of the syllabus will be on key concepts and ideas which will not only reduce academic stress but also free the teachers to focus on conceptual understanding and higher order thinking skills, thus making the shift from content to competencies. With the growing availability of information and technology, students will be inclined towards plagiarism by representing, intentionally or unintentionally ideas, words or work of another person. Ownership of ones work and ideas will be given its due importance.


Middle Stage

While the students are facing he changes due to adolescence, students shall be introduced to Experiential Learning by engaging in hands-on experience and reflection which would help them to connect with theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. Experiential learning opportunities will be introduced through course and non-course based forms through community service enabling them to apply their classroom learning to practice. The student will be encouraged to understand the principle of academic integrity and how knowledge is constructed and to develop their own thinking while showing an honest behavior by giving credit where credit is due. Technical skills of referencing are important and will be inculcated in the student to master these techniques during their learning journey which will deter the student from Plagiarism, knowing or unknowingly.


Senior Secondary

Community Engaged Learning with the academic infusion, Projects based on real-life situations in group or in individual capacity, concluding in generating solutions inviting critical thinking shall be the basis of assessment of classroom to real-world solutions. Individual career based Exploration and Research work for XI and XII, shall be additional the basis of experiential learning.