
The school provides a caring, friendly and well-structured Hybrid system of learning. We value students who are intellectually curious and creative and mentor them towards attaining academic excellence.

The emphasis is on the holistic development of the child. Co-curricular activities and responsibility towards the environment are integrated into the learning process. The efforts are to remain abreast with the latest in the field of education, so that the academic programme remains contemporary and rigorous at all times.

The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). English is the medium of instruction. The school has a dedicated faculty of highly qualified and efficient teachers, who use modern techniques of teaching. Interdisciplinary and experiential learning is encouraged to strengthen conceptual knowledge.

The school provides best-in-class infrastructure facilities to the students. The learning needs of each student are met in an environment that is supportive and affirming. Peer tutoring, remedial and enrichment classes are regularly conducted to optimize learning outcomes. The students of Little Scholars School have excelled in all fields and have proceeded to study in the top colleges.

Result & Achievements

CBSE Result For Class 10th 2022

CBSE Result For Class 12th 2022


ART/Painting department

Art is important because it has a powerful impact on our moods and emotions and also allows us to express our individuality. Drawing, painting and other art activities enable students to become more creative. Students also become more observant to the world around them by excelling in art.

Learning art helps students discover and explore their creative sides and become more well - rounded personalities. The students of fine arts participate in art competitions ,poster making competitions ,board display and exhibitions at various levels.Props stage sets and costumes are also designed by the Art Department for various functions .


Commerce Department

Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking and thinking provides knowledge. knowledge makes you great . APJ Kalam

In order to fulfil its stated vision Commerce Department of Little Scholars, a team of hard working and dedicated faculty members is committed to Academic excellence with holistic development of students. We strive to provide a strong foundation to the students to become a future entrepreneur and prepare for the position of leadership in business organisations.

We want our students to develop an enthusiasm and understanding of changing business environment and empowers them to take responsibility and decision indepndently.

We constantly organise open discussions on current economic issues, debates, contests and quizzes , presentations, industrial visits etc to foster a spirit of enquiry and critical approach to their thinking about current issues.

More than 70% students of Commerce stream secure 90% plus marks in board examination.


English Department

The English Department is a team of 11 well qualified, responsible and dedicated teachers whose planning, ideas and initiatives make the Department the fountainhead of all scholastic and co-scholastic activities whether pertaining to linguistics or even beyond, organised in school and outside.

Developing a love for the language the Department focusses on the basic four skills of purposeful reading, effective writing, keen listening and impactful speaking. Giving a free run to children's imagination, it is excellence in the creative field which is aimed, leading to some unforgettable stage performances by participants.

The Department is involved the year round in making classroom learning interesting and giving ample participation opportunities to children to shape their personalities. In this endeavour the children show their talent at both the In-School, and the Inter-School level. It is seen by the Department that language related competitions (Olympiad) and CBSE originating events get overwhelming response.The Department is also involved in the publication of news letters and the yearly school journal. In collaboration with Twin-Win, the children's communication skills and holistic development is ensured.

Finally, the English Department is not merely a Language Department. It takes upon itself the equally important task of inculcating good habits and values among children, underlining the Department's significant role in the welfare of the children and the image building of the school.


Hindi Department

लिटिल स्कॉलर्स का हिंदी विभाग अन्य विभागों की भांति ही अत्यंत उन्नत और समृद्धि शाली है। इस विद्यालय में हिंदी भाषा को वही पद और प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त है, जिसकी वह अधिकारिणी है। हिंदी के उत्तरोत्तर विकास को ध्यान में रखते हुए विद्यालय में समय-समय पर अनेकों कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाते हैं। इस विभाग से संबंधित सभी शिक्षिकाएं अपने कार्य के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पित हैं तथा दिए गए कार्य को पूरी श्रद्धा और तन्मयता के साथ निभाती हैं। विद्यार्थी हिंदी के महत्व को भलीभांति समझें इस उद्देश्य को पूरा करने लिए समय-समय पर वाद विवाद प्रतियोगिता, निबंध तथा कहानी लेखन, कविता पाठ जैसी अनेकों प्रतियोगिताएं आयोजित की जाती हैं,ताकि हिंदी निरंतर उन्नति एवं प्रगति के पथ पर अग्रसर रहे।


Humanities Department

Little Scholars introduced Humanities Stream in 2020. For long, the need was being felt to incorporate humanities for those scholars who were aspiring a career in Civil services. Fortunately, conditions proved propitious to offer humanities to youngsters after class 10.Since its inception, two years back, the newly formed humanities stream has garnered unprecedented success. This year, we all are very optimistic that the present first batch of talented youngsters is going to set benchmarks, difficult to emulate.


IT/ICT Department

“IT is ever-changing and there is the need to evolve in order to stay relevant.” -Ryan Ogilvie

At Little Scholars, the IT department with 3 efficient IT personals always tries to provide the best and latest IT features with optimum ease. Keeping in mind the above phrase as key point, the IT department, always keeps on exploring new ways and ideas in IT field and is always keen to adopt the latest trends.

During the recent years, when the whole world had surrendered against the pandemic, IT professionals have emerged out as the main warriors to let the professional life continued in an uninterrupted mode. The term “Work from home” has come into fashion only because of the hard work put in by the IT professionals globally.

Little Scholars has always been a pioneer in adopting and applying all the new IT tools and ensured that the process of learning goes on without any interruption.


Mathematics Department

Mathematics Department of the LITTLE SCHOLARS SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL , BHALLA FARM , PRATAPPUR , KASHIPUR is a family of 11 (PRT - 04 , TGT - 05 & PGT - 02)dedicated teachers who help the students develop computational skills, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. In the course of their learning students obtain the ability to critically assess numerical and graphical information; learn to formulate strategies for solving problems and acknowledge the importance of being intellectually curious. Since learning Mathematics is a process that requires active involvement so the teachers constantly provide opportunities to enable the students to become engaged in the learning process. Activity based learning that allows students to explore and understand the difficult concepts on their own is keenly promoted. We understand that each student approaches problems differently hence collaborative learning and peer tutoring is used as an effective teaching strategy. This gives the young learners a chance to compare and contrast methods and find what suits them best. The teachers endeavour to provide personalised attention to each student. They use observations, class work, projects and assessment to gauge the level of the students and the necessary enrichment or remedial schedule is worked out. Technology is used extensively for differentiated learners, for simplification of complex concepts and also for evaluation purposes. The Maths lab provides additional scope to students to learn and explore mathematical facts and theorems using technological tools. To add fun to learning and also to enhance students' interest in the subject the Department conducts various Mathematical competitions, quizzes, digital story writing, mental ability/reasoning etc. Maths & vedic Maths workshops have been conducted in the past for the Junior classes by resource persons from 'Adhyayan group of Mumbai' as well as by the other famous & renowned groups of Mathematics as a national/International level. These enabled the children to develop Maths concepts using fun activities. Our boys have learnt fractions, integers, area, volume etc while playing basketball, catching practice with rubber balls, going outdoors, measuring various shapes and many more. A workshop on Vedic Mathematics was conducted by renowned Twin win organization. Through this students were taught various techniques of addition, multiplication, decimal system, division, squares, square roots, cubes etc. The Department in collaboration with 'Educational Initiatives' conducts Asset and Detailed Assessment tests to review the performance of the students and find their areas of strength and weakness. The Mind Wars assessments for classes VI and VII are a great success as they are fashioned as per the learning pace of each child. Instant feedback and remediation is the most useful feature of these assessments. Maths Olympiads are also conducted to test and enhance the skills of the students. The teachers regularly participate in various mathematical workshops for self-enrichment. The workshop conducted by prestigious & renowned Ignited Mind of Mathematics (IMM) group New Delhi on the History of Mathematics and making Maths fun was particularly educative. Interdisciplinary and experiential learning is encouraged through specific session of Mathematics classes / Projects / Power point presentation etc.


Sports/Physical Education Department

Sports are an integral part of life at school. We take pride in inculcating sportsmanship in our student body.Students are encouraged to compete with each other in inter house competitions. Our sports infrastructure is among the best in the country with modern basketball courts, tennis courts, all weather swimming pool, cricket pitches, squash courts, and indoor badminton courts.Various athletes and players have won numerous tournaments over the years and represented Uttrakhand at the state and national level.


Science Department

Albert Einstein said, “The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.”This is exactly what the Science Department comprising of 8 highly qualified teachers believes in .

In order to create scientific temperament and skill in the minds of students the members of science department support disciplinary and experiential learning . The four E's(engage,explore,explain and evaluate)are followed for enhanced learning out comes. Workshops and seminars are organized on regular basis to train the students .

Teachers emphasise on activities rather than rote learning and encourage children to ask questions . The Faculty members prepare children for participating in different quizzes ,exhibitions and fairs at school and interschool levels. For the students of Little Scholars Science is fun, Science is curiosity, Science is the process of investigating by posing questions and coming up with solutions .