SESSION : 2023-24

Books & Notebooks list for Classes NUR, LKG & UKG
XSEED book set + following notebooks
1.English- 02 four ruled notebooks 2.Hindi- 02 five ruled notebooks
3.Maths- 02 square ruled notebooks (with big boxes) 4.G.K- 01 scrapbook with colourful pages
1 Crayons Colour box, 1 School dairy , 1 Plastic Folder & 2 Brown cover rolls
Books & Notebooks list for class I
XSEED book set + following notebooks
1. English-3 (4 Lines) 2.GK1 (4Lines) 3.EVS (4 Lines) 4. Hindi-3 (Double line) 5. Maths-2 Square boxes
6. Drawing Sketch book-1 7. Crayons colour box 8. Plastic Folder 9. Scrapbook with colourful page-1 10. School Diary
11. G.K Book- knowledge world-1 (World class publication) 12. 2 Brown cover rolls
Books & Notebooks list for class II
XSEED book set + following notebooks
1. English- 3 four ruled notebooks 2.GK- 1four ruled notebook 3. EVS- 1four ruled notebook 4. Hindi- 3 Two ruled notebooks 5. Maths-2 (2 sq.Boxes)
6. Drawing sketch book-1 7. Crayons colour set-1 8. Plastic folder-1 9. Scrap book-1 10. School diary-1 & 2 brown cover rolls
11. GK book- knowledge world-2 (World class publication)

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 3 to 5
III G.K knowledge world. World Class Publications India. Single line notebook-9
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) One sided ruled notebook-2
Computer Smart tech 3 Franklin India Publication. Art file -1 School diary-1 Brown cover roll -2
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
IV G.K Knowledge world. World Class Publications India. Single line notebook-9
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) One sided ruled notebook-2
Art file-1
School Dairy-1
Brown cover roll-2
Computer Smart tech 4 Franklin India Publication.
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
English Pocket dictionary
S. Science Atlas
V G.K Knowledge world. World Class Publications India. Single line notebook-9
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) One sided ruled notebook-2
Computer Smart tech 4 Fran Art file-1
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)klin India Publication. School Dairy-1
English Pocket dictionary Brown cover roll-2
S. Science Atlas

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 6 to 8
VI GK Thirst for Knowledge MGS Publications Ruled Notebooks-7
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
Computer Smart Tech 6 Franklin India Publication One Sided Ruled Notebook-2
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
English Pocket dictionary Register-1
(For Maths)
S.ST Atlas School Diary-1
Sanskrit Ruchira Part-1 NCERT
VII GK Thirst for Knowledge MGS Publications Ruled Notebooks-7
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
Computer Smart Tech 7 Franklin India Publication One Sided Ruled Notebook-2
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
English Pocket dictionary Register-1
(For Maths)
S.ST Atlas School Diary-1
Sanskrit Ruchira Part-2 NCERT
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
VIII GK Thirst for Knowledge MGS Publications Ruled Notebooks-7
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
Computer Smart Tech Franklin India Publication One Sided Ruled Notebook-2
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
English Pocket dictionary Register-1
(For Maths)
S.ST Atlas School Diary-1
Sanskrit Ruchira Part-3 NCERT
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 9 & 10
IX Maths Mathematics Textbook for class 9 NCERT 1 Register
Hindi क्षितिज भाग-1 NCERT 2 Register
कृतिका भाग-1
English 1.Interact in English- Literature Reader NCERT 2 Register
2. Interact in English- Main Course Book
3. Interact in English- Workbook
Science Science textbook for class 9 NCERT 3 Register
S.St 1.India and the Contemporary World I NCERT 4 Register
2. Democratic Politics 1
3. Contemporary India Part I & II School Diary
4. Understanding Economic Development
X Maths Mathematics Textbook for class 10 NCERT 1 Register
Hindi क्षितिज भाग-2 NCERT 2 Register
कृतिका भाग-2
English 1.First Flight (Prose) NCERT 2 Register
2. Footprints without feet (Supplementary Reader)
Science Science textbook for class 10 NCERT 3 Register
S.St 1.India and the Contemporary World II NCERT 4 Register
2. Democratic Politics 1
3. Contemporary India Part II School Diary
4. Understanding Economic Development

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 11 A & B
Class Subject Name of the book Publisher Other things
11 A+ B Physics NCERT textbook part 1 & 2 NCERT 2 REGISTERS
Chemistry NCERT textbooks Part 1 & 2 NCERT 2 Registers
2. Help book- R.D.SHARMA/R.S. Agarwal (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) 2.Dhanpat 1 LAB Manual
Rai Publication
English 1. HORNBILL NCERT 2 Notebooks
2. Snapshots
P H. E Physical education text book Evergreen Publications 1 Practical File
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
OPTIONAL subjects : Home Science textbook Premiere publications 1 Practical File
1.Home Science (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) 1 Scrapbook
2. Information Practices Information Practices Dhanpat Rai & Co. 1 Register
By Sumita Arora
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
3.Computer Science .Computer Science with Python -Sumita Arora Dhanpat Rai & co. 1 Register
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
4. Fine Arts History of Indian Arts Blue prints educational 1 A3 Drawing file
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Pencil Shading kit
Acrylic Colour
Brushes Kit
5. Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphic II CBSE Five Canvas
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) VP Kumar 1 Register

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 11 C & D
Class Subject Name of the book Publication Other things
11 C+ D English 1.HORNBILL NCERT 2 Notebooks
(Commerce & 2.Snapshots
Humanities) Accountancy 1.NCERT textbook 1.NCERT 2 Registers
2. Accountancy by S C Sharma 2. ABD Publications
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
Business Studies NCERT textbook NCERT 1 Register
Economics NCERT textbook NCERT
Microeconomics & Statistics
History NCERT Textbook NCERT 1 Register
Political Science NCERT Textbook NCERT 1 Register
P.H.E Physical Education textbook Evergreen Publications 1 Practical File
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
Optional subjects: NCERT textbook 1.NCERT 2 Registers
1.Maths Help Book - 2. DHANPAT Rai Publications
R.D Sharma/R.S Aggarwal
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
2.Fine Arts History of Indian Arts Blueprint Educational 1 Register
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) A3 Drawing file
Pencil Shading kit
Acrylic Colour
Brushes Kit Five Canvas
3.Computer Science Computer Science by Sumita Arora Dhanpat Rai & Co. 1 Register
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
4. Information Practices Information Practices- Sumita Arora Dhanpat Rai & co. Publications 1 Register
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
5. Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphic II CBSE
(Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) VP Kumar

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 12 A & B
CLASS Subject Name of the book Publication Other things
12 A + B Physics NCERT textbook part 1 & 2 NCERT 2 Registers
(PCMB) 1 Lab Manual & notebook
1 Activity Notebook
Chemistry NCERT textbooks Part 1 &2 NCERT 2 Registers
1 Lab Manual
Mathematics NCERT textbooks Part 1 & 2 NCERT 2 Registers
Help Book - R.D Sharma/R.S. Aggarwal (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) 1 Lab Manual
Dhanpat Rai Publications
English 1.Flamingo NCERT 2 Registers
Physical Education Physical Education textbook (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Evergreen Publications 1 Practical File
Biology NCERT textbook NCERT 2 Registers
1 Lab Manual
Optional Subjects:
1.Home Science Home Science Textbook (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Premiere Publications 1 Scrapbook
1 Practical file
2. Fine Arts History of Indian Art (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Blueprint Educational 1 A3 Drawing file
Pencil Shading kit
Acrylic Colour
Brushes Kit
Five Canvas
2 Registers
3.Computer Science Computer Science- Sumita Arora (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Dhanpat Rai Publications 1 Register
4. Information Practices Information Practices Class 12 by Sumita Arora (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Dhanpat Rai Publications 1 Register
5. Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphic II (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) CBSE
VP Kumar

Books & Notebooks list for Classes 12 C & D
Class Subject Name of the book Publication Other things
12 C & D English 1.Flamingo NCERT 2 Registers
(Commerce 2.Vistas
& Humanities) Accountancy 1.NCERT textbooks Part 1 &2 NCERT 2 Registers
2. Accountancy by S.C Sharma (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase)
2. ABD Publications
Economics 1.NCERT textbooks 2.Macroeconomics & I.E.D of Economics by Sandeep Garg (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) 1.NCERT 2 Registers
2. Dhanpat Rai Publications
Business Studies 2. Business studies by Poonam Gandhi (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) 1.NCERT textbooks(Part 1&2) 1 Register
2. VK publications
History NCERT textbook NCERT 1 Register
Political Science NCERT textbooks NCERT 2 Registers
P.H.E Physical education textbook (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Evergreen Publications 1 File
1 Register
Optional Subjects:
1.Home Science Home Science Textbook (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Premiere Publications 1 File
1 Scrapbook
2. Computer Science Computer Science with Python -Sumita Arora (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Dhanpat Rai Publications 1 Register
3.Information Practices Information Practices Class 12 by Sumita Arora (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Dhanpat Rai Publications 1 Register
4. Fine Arts History of Indian Art (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) Blueprint Educational 1 Register
1 A3 Drawing file
1 Pencil Shading kit
Acrylic Colour
Brushes Kit
Five Canva
5. Engineering Graphics Engineering Graphic II (Reference Book, Not compulsory to purchase) CBSE
VP Kumar