Little Scholars is a journey of self-discovery for a child as they grow to become young adults. The school will
equip him to excel in academics, and to be savvy in through a Hybrid learning platform. The student will be
encouraged to discover their interests, talents and aptitudes, and learn to form their opinions and role in
society. This is achieved in a nurturing environment, where the Mentor enacts the role of a Second Parent.
An important feature of this process is the school’s provision of rich choices, be they in courses of
academics, co-curricular activities in artistic, creative and intellectual activities, and in sports and
Engagements with ecology and heritage allow engagements with the community, within the school, in rural areas, or
through NGOs, nurturing the ideologies of the school motto ‘Service before self’.
Leadership abilities to take decisions and to find solutions are imbibed on the sports field, through social
interactions, and through positions of responsibility provided in school, aiming not just to nurture the
students through their formative years, but also to place them on a continuous curiosity to learn, while
carrying the responsibilities of leader with understanding, intelligence, sensitivity and an inclusive
Ms. Ritu Bhalla