Socio – Cultural Development

The burgeoning youth of India makes our nation one of the youngest countries in the world. No wonder, there is talk of India's 'Demographic Dividend' and if channelled right during their formative years, these Change-makers can start contributing to society quite early on by involving its students in home grown projects/schemes like SETU, Open Arms Project, Model United Nations Environment Assembly to name just a few.

These initiatives are not only about making life better for the marginalised, the less fortunate and the physically challenged, but also seek to answer burning topical questions of climate and environment. Of course, it's a quid pro quo. While tentative steps to bring positive changes in society are introduced with students' active participation in socio-economic and environmental causes, the former too learn traits like team work and leadership, making them evolve into responsible and aware citizens of the country.


Dronasagar – A hydrological Disconnect

Intergenerational Memories on Water


SETU is the annual event of Little Scholar School located in Kashipur, Uttarakhand. Building onto the work done in the previous years, the theme for 2020 SETU was to simulate the native curiosity of young people and foster their active participation in the affairs of the city.And as part of the series of related events, a workshop on Intergenerational Memories on Water was facilitated for interested students from schools in and around Kashipur. Needless to document all the events and workshops were online, considering the pandemic year 2020.

Water in its all forms connect people, places and other forms of life, inspiring and sustaining diverse cultural beliefs, values and the ways of life. The objective of the workshop on Intergenerational Memories was to facilitate students to explore people’s relationships with and through water, directly and indirectly. By mapping narratives of different generations, their associations and their belief systems, it was expected that the stories will bring forth the values that different generations held for the water bodies in and around Kashipur. It was hoped that the students will also capture physical changes in their neighborhood thru observations and by recording memories of different generations grandparent's, parents and their own]. The workshop consisted of two main tasks:

a) Mapping the landscape and the changes in the surroundings by the students using innovative maps/diagrams.

b) Documenting mental and cultural activities that are associated with water and water bodies by the three generations. They are supposed to highlight customs festivals belief and myths associated with water. The students were expected to create a poster/ GIF/ photomontage/ stop motion picture which will be the of their learning and the message that they wanted to share after doing this exercise.

The workshop was initiated on Oct 2, 2020 and continued for two weeks before culminating on Oct 17, 2020. In all, eight teams from 4 schools consisting of more than 100 students participated in the workshop. It consisted of a series of online interactions between students and facilitators. In the first interaction the facilitators gave an overview of the objectives and expectations from the workshop. It was followed by two more interactions whereby students came up with their ideas, discussed their workplan and were given due suggestions and feedback on focus, content and delivery. The final presentation was held on Oct 17, 2020 whereby eight teams presented their work online, followed by the citation ceremony.

The Presentations:

All the teams picked up a topic and were able to work on the key concept of the intergenerational change by collecting data from secondary sources, interviewing people, analysis and presentations in various formats. Special mentions were given to each and every team and three were given citations for overall efforts.

Sl. No. Topic School Comment / Result
1 Different Phases of Katoratal Chhauni Childrens’ Academy, Kashipur Special mention for most innovative primary research. Looked at local lake, which has almost vanished by documenting the changes in the landscape.
2 Girital Lake: A Documentary of Lake across Time Little Scholars, Kashipur Citation for most professional presentation, weaving of the narrative video and bringing out all aspects of change in and around the lake. Also incorporating ideas to go ahead towards its revival and preservation.
3 Changes in and around Kosi Dam Little Scholars, Kashipur Special mention for best communication, powerful visuals and illustrations accompanied by strong and informative narrative
4 Flooding of Station Road Little Scholars, Kashipur Innovative and creative submission in the format of a newspaper, incorporating information nuggest and crisp analysis.
5 Dronasagar Little Scholars, Kashipur Very comprehensive and well-rounded presentation with special mention for best analysis, video and accompanying report
6 Bhimtal Lake Shemford School, Nainital Special mention for best documentation covering a large spectrum of mythology, geographical and geology, socio-cultural, ecological aspects related to the lake.
7 Dehghat: A Small Town Sri Dashmesh School, Bazpur Citation for informative and creative documentation of the changes happening in a small hilly town located by a Himalayan river.
8 Haripura Dam Sri Dashmesh School, Bazpur Special mention for best documentation for highlighting the change over the years thru research and visuals.

All the presentations are archived at

Key Outcomes

The first key outcome was the learning opportunity to the students, to participate in a different kind of activity that allowed them to make a social connect with their immediate surroundings. The connect was not only with the natural environment but also to people they interviewed. It was also an opportunity to learn the “new way” of working, collaborating and communicating using digital tools. The students also benefitted from the interactions with mentors that also provided the opportunity to learn from each other.

Another key outcome was the amount of information and facts collected by the students while documenting waterbodies and their surroundings, very little of which is in the public domain or in the active consciousness of the residents of the city. The work done by the participants give a glimpse of the changing landscape of the city due to rapid urbanizations and the emerging ecological issues that would require careful considerations for the future.


Streets for Me

Sustainable Cities and Development


The theme of SETU 2021 is “Streets for Me”. Building onto the multiple editions of SETU over the years and anchored in the broader agenda of sustainable development goals 2030, the overall objective of SETU 2021 was to simulate the native curiosity of young people and foster their active participation in the affairs of the city. Starting September 19, 2021, the event consisted of a series of online workshops and related events, culminating in an offline event on October 2, 2021 at Kashipur, Uttarakhand. Multiple resource persons from all over India anchored and facilitated the workshop for 14 teams consisting of students from around thirteen schools/colleges/institutions in and around Kashipur. In total, 140 students participated in the workshops.

About the Workshop

Sustainable Cities are those that seek to make our cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. It calls for taking steps to simultaneously foster green sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. It also calls for minimizing required inputs of energy, water, and food, and drastically reducing waste, output of heat, water and air pollution by all stakeholders. The objective of the workshop on Streets for Me was to facilitate students to explore people’s relationships with the place, directly and indirectly. By mapping narratives of different stakeholders, their associations and their belief systems, it was expected that the stories will bring forth the values that different stakeholders from various walks of life held for the place Kashipur. It was hoped that the students will also capture physical changes in their neighbourhood thru observations and will present the most desirable outcome on how they perceive the place by presenting the same as artilized. The workshop was organized around the framework consisting of the tasks to observe, relate, design, action:

  • Observe -Observe who and what constitute your city and understand its functions. Observing the surroundings using all your 5 senses –

    o What do you see, What are the different sounds, What do the different smells tell us

    o How do you feel when you connect with the social fabric and can you elaborate on the Flavours of the city with the change in season/function

  • Relate-Mapping the observations during the visits to the location on a digital map.

    o Relating your city with other similar cases by understanding their methodologies and best practices keeping in mind the SDG goals.

    o Categorizing stakeholders and assessing their integration in the social fabric to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth

  • Design-Creating goals for a sustainable growth for an inclusive society

    o Transport – Sustainable transport by ensuring convenience in using public transport and by promoting walking and cycling for last mile connectivity.

    o Management of resources - Sustainable land-use planning and management while integrating provision of environmental infrastructure: water, sanitation, drainage and solid waste management.

  • Action-Creating a sustainable solution

    o Addressing the local authorities of the issues identified asking for action to be taken

    o Collaborating with the community to promote Sustainable practice and implementation of design through presentations, art, street play, etc

The Presentations:

All the teams were allotted certain area on the street approx. 50 m to 100 m in a centrally located street of Kashipur (See Map ). They were asked to work on the key concept of "Streets for Me" by collecting data from secondary sources, interviewing people, analysis and presentations in various formats. The workshop consisted of a series of online interactions between students and facilitators. In the first interaction the facilitators gave an overview of the objectives and expectations from the workshop. It was followed by 5 more interactions whereby students came up with their ideas, discussed their workplan and were given due suggestions and feedback on focus, content and delivery.

The final submission consisted of two components. In the first part, students created a story about their part of the street and presented it online along with their plan for creating the offline artifact. On October 2, 2021, fourteen teams presented their final work on the main street in the form of street plays, posters, props and artifacts spreading the message of inclusive, safe, and sustainable streets. In the final event, teams from prominent NGOs and civil society organizations also participated. The final results were a cumulative score of both online and offline presentations along with the score of the stakeholders from various walks of life, who were an integral part of the live voting process. The winners were felicitated and special mentions were given to three teams for overall efforts.

SNo. Team Name Area Allotted School/Institution Name Result Archive
1 Team_Pipal Suraj Medical to Gokul Sweets Vision Valley Public School 1st Runner up
2 Team_Amaltas Gokul Sweets to Woodland Guru Nanak Modern school
3 Innerwheel club of Kashipur & Khwaahish NGO Woodland to Sethi Associates Khwaahish NGO NA
4 Team_Parijat Seed Shop to Guru Maa Chauuni Children's Academy Winners
5 Team_Bhrami Guru Maa to Red Tape Kendriya Vidyalaya
6 Team_Satavar Red Tape to Allahabad Bank Shemford School
7 Team_Vasaka Aakash Institute to Hero Honda Chandravati Tiwari College
8 Yoga for Health-Rotary club of Kashipur Hero Honda to Dominos Yoga Display NA
9 Team_Ashok Dominos to Dr. Niket Mehrotra Guru Nanak Girls School
10 Team_Sarpgandha Dr. Niket Mehrotra to First Cry Store Great Mission School Special Mention
11 Team_Chitrak First Cry Store to Shyam Marble Shriram Institute of Management and Technology
12 Team_Saal Shyam Marble to SBI Devambar Gurukul School 2nd Runner up
13 Team_Semul SBI to Bhaj Govindam Sri Dashmesh School
14 Street Play Bhaj Govindam All schools NA
15 Team_Sadabahar Bhaj Govindam to Om Sweets Little Scholars
16 Team_Gulmohar Om Sweets to Naag Mandir Little Scholars

Key Outcomes

The first key outcome was the learning opportunity to the students, to participate in a different kind of activity that allowed them to make a social connect with their immediate surroundings. The connect was not only with the natural environment but also to people they interviewed. It was also an opportunity to learn the “new way” of working, collaborating and communicating using digital tools. The students also benefited from the interactions with mentors that also provided the opportunity to learn from each other.

Another key outcome was the amount of information and facts collected by the students while documenting and mapping areas in the town and their surroundings. The work done by the participants give a clear perspective of how the future generation visualises the current vandalised landscape of the city and the emerging ecological issues that would require careful considerations for the future.

The third outcome was generation of some amount of awareness among citizens and administrations about streets of Kashipur and the urgent need to make them safe and inclusive for all.


Sustainability – A way of life

The open ARMS Project – Inclusive Education

The journey to becoming an Inclusive School may be long and challenging at times, but ultimately this journey can strengthen a school community and benefit ALL children. "Inclusion" does not simply mean the placement of students with disabilities in general education classes. This process must incorporate fundamental change in the way a school community supports and addresses the individual needs of each child. In 2018, Little Scholars incorporated ‘The open ARMS project after a pilot project carried out by their own students in collaboration with JSR Indu Samiti; a Residential School for the Specially Abled of creating a space within its curriculum planner which has now collaborated with other NGO’s and schools. As such, effective models of inclusive education not only benefit students with disabilities, but also create an environment in which every student; including those who do not have disabilities, has the opportunity to flourish.

One of the most important principles of inclusive education is that no two learners are alike, and so inclusive schools place great importance on creating opportunities for students to learn and be assessed in a variety of ways. Teachers therefore must consider a wide range of learning modalities (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, etc.) in designing instruction and help diversify the educational experience of the students.

JSR Indu Samiti

School dedicated to PWDs is divided into three departments.

i. Educational: Special Educators specialized in the respective fields along with volunteers and part time physiotherapists, speech therapists and care takers provides a healthy learning environment to differently abled children belonging to the categories of Mental Retardation, Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired and Physically disabled.

ii. Residential: Residential facility along with healthy meals is provided to the students. Daily extra-curricular activities are designed by Hostel warden to keep the students fresh and shining all the time.

iii. Vocational Training: Vocational training is provided to the students to make them self reliant. Skill centre at JSR have Computer lab, Sewing and Tailoring Lab, Electronics Lab, Sanitary and Plubming Lab, Beauty Parlour cum Salon, Candle Making Lab and Sweater Machine Room wherein the students are trained in works with respect to their interest.

Khwahish NGO

Khwahish is a humble effort by students and teachers to sow the seeds of primary education among the children as well as adults. Some of the students attend schools while some others are housewives or daily wage earners. The aim is to motivate people to come forward and share their valuable time and knowledge with these educationally malnourished sections. These souls appreciate even half an hour of your time.Though there's nothing more important than your knowledge, but donations too are necessary .Be a philanthropist by donating your time or money.

Apart from this, khwahish works for the animal welfare and have rescued more than 1000 stray animals till date. Visiting hours 4-6 pm.

Lepers Colony

Clubs - Internationalism


I.I.M.U.N. is one of the world’s largest youth-run organisation that aims to bring the world closer. It empowers the youth by enabling them to solve global problems at an individual level. Every student who participates at any I.I.M.U.N. Chapter conference follows a 3-step appraoch :-

Comprehend* - Discuss agenda through video and face-to-face tutorials.

Congregate* -Debate possible solutions of each simulation.

Create- Execute an IIMUN actionable goal and get rewarded with a certificate.





LITTLE SCHOLARS joined IIMUN in 2016 and our delegates have contributed extremely well and have won numerous accolades.



Little scholars grabbed school trophy, for consecutive two years at Kashipur chapter 2016 and 2017.

Besides this it won the School trophy in Moradabad chapter 2017


In 2022 Little Scholars took part in the BEST MUN conference, in Saudi Arabia and won the title of Best Delegate.


By getting high commendation, special mention, verbal mention and Best Delegate, our scholars also proved themselves in Championship conference which was held in Mumbai.

Ashoka Changemaker Day

Little Scholars, Kashipur, and Ashoka Innovators collaborated to conduct Changemaker Day on Jan 23rd,Saturday to promote the idea of “Everyone A Changemaker.”

Seven schools were a part of the event and, a total of 143 participants were present.

The event began with a presentation by Ms. Preethi Ramachandran, the coordinator from Ashoka. She elaborated on the Ashoka Young Changemakers community and introduced the two guest speakers for the day; Mr. Mathew Jose, the founder of Paperman, and Mr. Hitarth Seth, the founder of Buddhiman and Gujju Student.

They spoke about their journey as a changemaker, which followed an idea pitching event by the students. Some honorable mentions are Quenching the thirst of Animals by Gargi, Applied Learning Program by Prabhleen, and The Open Arms Project by Prisha. The participants received constructive feedback from the speakers at the end of their presentation. The next event was a Q & A round, where the students asked relevant questions to the speakers through the chatbox. The speakers answered them with precision and expertise that perhaps was a result of their intense experience.

The event ended on a positive note. The atmosphere was of learning and development.


The students of Little Scholars Kashipur have always been in the forefront so far as ‘Environmental Awareness’ is concerned, making climate issues occupy centrestage with their enthusiastic participation in such activities.

The same zeal was on display when Auli Arora, Parth Garg and PrishaBhalla represented the school in the three-day youth conference organized by Harithkram, the Environment Society of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Delhi.

The School Student Conference (SSC) by DUSF under its School Outreach Programme saw not only the coming together of Harithkram’s two flagship events — Delhi University Sustainability Forum (DUSF’20) and Harithkram Model United Nations Environment Assembly (HUMNEA’21), but also intense brainstorming, powerful debates and ardent discussions among youngsters from different schools.

The participants of LS impressed one and all with their views and the school was one of the seven shortlisted schools going to the next round.

Not only this, the children made it a moment to be savoured by the school when Little Scholars Kashipur was declared joint runners-up along with GHHS Edavilangu, Thrissur, Kerala.

We look forward to more such laurels from our talented bunch of children.