  • All parents are requested to impart health education to their wards. Children must bathe daily and be taught to clean their eyes, ears and nose properly. Teeth must be brushed twice daily and nails trimmed weekly.
  • Children should wear clean under garments and come neatly dressed to school.
  • Hair must be checked for lice once a fortnight and boys must get a haircut on a regular basis.
  • On your family physician’s advice, de-worm your child at least once a year.
  • Ensure they sleep eight hours a day and exercise daily.
  • Get a dental or ophthalmic check done once a year.
  • Have a balanced diet rich in proteins and milk, drink water which is either boiled or filtered and carry it to school in their own water bottles.
  • Tiffin must be properly packed and napkins given.
  • Children must carry disposable tissues/handkerchiefs when suffering from cold.
  • In case of allergies or ailments, details of the treatment being given to the child or any emergency treatment required, must be left with the School.