The Gurukul School Foundation...
Event Date:
24th Dec, 2022
Little Scholars participated in the Robolution conducted by The Gurukul School Foundation Kashipur on 24Dec, 22 and bagged second position in the Roboaction.
Before the competition commenced ,a mini workshop was conducted ,where students were taught the basics of robotics and car building. Students then participated in the robo action and robo race where they had to compete with other schools, Our students tried hard enough in both the events and gave a tough fight to their opponents.
Dev and Herman participated in the Robo race while , Kaustav ,Garvit Vishnoi and Ishaan took part in the robo action and helped
#Little_Scholars attain #Second_position in the event. This was a fun filled ,new experience for the students as they had never experienced such a thing before . It sparked curiosity amongst the students about Artificial intelligence and Robotics.
Kudos to our achievers!